Friday, August 31, 2007

Very busy early

Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsI really really love these little guys.  THANK YOU, KENNETH.
Well, we had a storm yesterday--early evening.  J. did not rec. any rain.  We rec. some rain (welcome) and a wee bit of hail but lots of wind!!!! Therefore--after Bud and I walked and I saw to it that Elmer dear had everything ready for his breakfast--before it got too hot--I went out and swept and swept.  The patio was full of leaves and what not--so I swept is off and the driveway and into piles and put the debris into sacks--no use to sweep[ nor blow it to the gutter because the next wind will blow it all back.  I still have the steps down to the garage to do--it was getting hot at 9.  This is what we get for having many huge trees--planted about 25 years ago.  But we love our trees--shade and privacy.
But the main storm hit Ashland--more than 2 inches of rain--blew trees and power lines down. We could see how dark it was over that way.  Then later we had thunder and Elmer put Bud's bed in Elmer's bathroom tub and left the lite on and the radio on softly and Bud was fine--he would not stay in his own bedroom.  I can tell you he does not like thunder--good thing we do not have it very often.
I think Elmer dear has been over-doing outside so he will have to take it easy and is using a crutch or two again.  He "almost" decided to go up on the roof yesterday but decided he is not ready for that. 
I had two tomatoes for breakfast.
Thanks Helen M. for the email.  Please continue to keep in touch.  Is it really fair that you get to visit Caedmon again--but really I guess since you are the Gma it is o.k. (I want to hear all about it) 
Caedmon has been neglecting his great grandparents????
Now it is time to get on the bike and treadmill.  GG

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Thursday, August 30, 2007


Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsI am thoroughly disgusted..  I had a good start on an email and it disappeared--tried everything.
I decided I would wash the kitchen window!!!--so I did--outside the picnic table is under the window SO I climbed up on the table (I am 90) and washed it.  Elmer dear did the screen--also the screen for the nearby slider.
Yesterday it was 103--first time over 100 this summer and it waited until the very end of August and that was good.
Soon--among other things we will dine on fresh tomatoes and fresh corn which Ron stopped by with yesterday --he had stopped to buy on his way home from Boise.  He is a good neighbor.
Jonathon will be going into the Air Force on Nov. 20--their baby is due around Christmas and she already had a 3 yr. old girl.
BTW we had a very few drops of rain last evening after the hot day.  No thunder--thank goodness due to the fact Bud does not like thunder.
Elmer dear is up and about--used a crutch part time yesterday--did not have his heavy work shoes on and that makes a difference for stability. 
I think I will send this before it also disappeares.  gg

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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Lloyd is going bye bye again.

Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsLloyd is going bye bye again..He just called.  He and Helen were on their way to the Portland airport.  This time because of a quick trip to 5 countries he could take only carry on luggage which means he would not be taking much extra because his photography "package" is huge--carries that in front of his tummy so----Helen will be a good girl and send me many emails and much news.
Elmer does use one crutch part time--esp. outside--feels more stable.  Right now he is running the sprinkler on the oodles of vines.  He sees Dr. one week from today. To be about 99 or so today.
The beautiful addition to out kitchen is still here.  I really really am enjoying it.
Caedmon has not written today nor have the other GREATS.
Galena is so pretty (after having a baby).  She looks so happy.  Now I need to know what all the gifts are that the little boy and his parents received. 
We are having later today STOUFFER'S   SKILLETS--home style beef dish. 
 I am cooking easier these days.
I had better go check on my now "part time" patient. 
Waiting to hear.  gg

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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I am very busy

Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsWe are having a lovely day--busy--but Elmer dear is pretty much independent and 2 times a day 5 days a week at 11 am and 7:30 p.m. I am on the bike and treadmill.
Bud and I walked at 5 this am--it was dark--except for the yard lite--to be about 96 today.
The annual pear-picking in this valley started today and will last 28 days.
Kenneth, I do not know just what to say about the photo where you were holding Caedmon's bottle--one end in his mouth and the other end under your chin so you could have a cup of coffee at the same time.  I saw the cup on your knee!!!  I was thinking somewhat of "turning you in". What do you think I should do? I told Gpa about the coffee also!!  Other than that I think the little fellow is getting extra good care.  Who crocheted all the "pretties" that are snuggled around him?  Thanks so much for the daily reports.
Guess what Elmer told me last evening -- that he went up the ladder (it is always there) to the roof--didn't go on the roof yet but it probably won't be long.  Before the accident he was known as the man who "went up on the roof".  Even then several told me to not let him go up on the roof.  HA!!
I wish Lloyd was back home  from that quick trip around the world.  I asked him to be careful what he eats. 
We are eating and eating peaches from our very own tree.  So good.  Elmer cuts them up for me.
Larry said he would call today to tell us about the 3 day camping trip.
I will miss Lloyd's 20-30-40 or more emails every day.
We will take Bud for another walk,  We have such a dandy private long driveway --it is easy to go for a walk.
Anxious to hear from Or. Wash.  Ca. Co.  GG

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Monday, August 27, 2007


Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsI enjoy these little guys SO much.  I especiall like the one yesterday--back to school with his huge back-pack.
We just finished our salmon dinner--so good.
This week=87-94-96-98.
Lloyd called last evening.  He will be traveling to so many countries in such a short time.  Trust he will hurry home and arrive safe and very sound.
Lloyd signed us up on the NO CALL LIST.  That will be so good.  We rec. so many offering less interest and also they can do something about our mortgage--do not need either one.
Elmer is doing quite well--has to be careful--is wearing heavy work shoes.  Sometimes it bothers during the nite if his foot turns too much.
Bud is also doing well--never ever loses his appetite--always ready to eat or go bye bye in the car.
Wonder if Larry and the 2 young boys are home yet from camping.  I am sure we will be rec. a call soon.
Well, this very minute Larry called--just arrived home and he will call later to tell about their trip.  He was ready to unload the car. 
Need to hear about THE GREATS.

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Sunday, August 26, 2007


Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsBack to school soon.
We attended church (without a crutch)--first time.
Home to soup and sandwiches.  Elmer dear is helping a lot with the preparations.
If Brians stays overnite in Seattle--where will he sleep.  Most everyone has a cat?????
Yesterday Jose and a helper worked hard all day--$190.  They didn't get one area done--no time--Dad said perhaps Larry can mow it.  They trimmed and trimmed trees and edged around the "miles" of ivy etc. 
Wonder how the camping is going up at Crater Lake.
This afternoon we dashed into Medford to visit Cecelia Wood--Becky's (Amber's life long friend)  Gma.  She is in a nice retirement home--is 81--has Parkinsons. 
I called Royal Oak where Carpenters live  (retirement home--pd. by their daughter).  Well, a few months ago Hazel fell during the nite and broke her hip--sx--in the hospital--then in a n.home for 5 weeks. and now I found out today that she is back in the hospital--complications from the broken hip.  Not good.  She is very frail.--in her 80's.
And now it is time for cottage cheese and yogurt--so good--and fresh peaches--off our own tree.  It is a seedling but there was a huge crop this year. 
Bud went with us to visit--stayed in the car--such a good boy (thank you, Keith)
Anxious to hear from family and friends.  gg

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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Work Day outside.

Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsLarry and Matt and the Jap. boy are on their way to Crater Lake to camp for three days.  The boys are really looing forward to the trip.  The football coach is out of town or something so Matt would not be practicing.
Jose and his helper are out here working like mad.  It has been awhile since they have been here--busy elsewhere--so we really need some work done.
Jose just now finished the peach tree--picked another bucket full.  It really produced this year--the most ever--and it is a seedling. 
Yipee, Elmer is walking without a crutch--the heavy work shoes are a good support.  He worked outside most of the day yesterday--first time in 6 months.  Oh, that has been a long 6 months.  It is so good to see him up and about.  And he is outside now after eating his healthy breakfast--one day he has cooked cereal and the next day FLAKES which he mixes about 6 or 7 different dry cereal.  And he has his milk and orange juice etc. 
This is mostly for the new parents.  We were not expecting twins--no idea--no xrays--no ultra sound 67 years ago.  I stayed in the hospital 10 days-dangled on the 6th day---they thot I should stay 14 but I wanted to go home. They were born in L.A. but we lived in Santa Monica.   I did not know much about caring for babies.  They were on a strict schedule--NURSED THEM FOR ALMOST 5 MONTHS--not that I ran out of milk--no, I could have nursed two more at least.  I started taking swimming lessons when they were 2 months old.  Elmer did all the baby laundry for a year.  We had 6 doz. diapers.  We stayed pretty much at home for the first year so therefore they were not ever sick--not even a cold.  No automatic washer or dryer in those days but as soon as we moved N. the Bendix put out an automatic washing machine and Elmer had one delivered immediately.  He was and is so good to me.  They each cut 2 teeth at 4 months!!!--same time.
Thanks so much for the updates on Caedmon.

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Friday, August 24, 2007


Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsI was up at 5:30 this am--had to check in the kitchen to see if the new sink and faucet was really there or was it a dream.
I called a PAVING guy to come out and give us an estimate on re-doing our LONG driveway.
We just finished dining on cube steak (and it was good).
Ellen, you mentioned how you like lime yogurt --so I bot some and Elmer likes it (so do I ).  Thanks.
I think Elmer dear's ankle is better BUT his knee is painful--which he thinks is from his foot/ankle turning out a bit??????  Anyway he was up a ladder today--picking peaches.  Today he is wearing heavy work boots which supports his ankle. 
We saw on the news some school boys and their low-hung jeans--absolutely horrible--they are riding on their THIGHS.  The ones on one boy were so low he could barely walk--like he had dirtied his pants.  Absolutely disgusting.  Where are the parents?
In the 90's again--96 next week.
Chicago had a tornado--the weather in the midwest and more is devastating
One fellow showed a 7 inch hail that fell in S. Dad.  --almost a record.
Bud is being such a good boy--looks so "pretty" after being groomed.  I wonder if he is getting tired of living with this elderly couple but he seems to like us very much.
I saw something the other day that I cannot forget.  Family was wondering why their family member who  was in a nursing home had so many bruises on her body so they insisted on a surveillance camera--this patient was a 50 yr. old lady--couldn't talk--very handicapped.  Well I saw this woman (caretaker) with her fists doubled up--beating on this lady until I could watch no more.  She pounded her head and everywhere else. 
Need news on great grandchildren.  gg  (need daily reports)

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Thursday, August 23, 2007


Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsWe have a new kitchen sink and a beautiful -goregeous--the latest in faucets.  It is really too nice for this elderly couple. 
Larry arrived a bit after 1 and the quick and fast working plumber came a bit later and did not leave until 5:30 or more.  He is a friend of Larry and we have had him work here before. 
Larry was so much help.  He was up on the roof re one of the coolers.  He picked some peaches.  He cut a vine that was crawing up the Sequoia that Larry planted about 40 some years ago.  It was about 1 foot tall then and now it is probably 60 feet or so tall--gorgeous.  Elmer dear -the mathematician--will figure out the height etc. (He is eating his healthy breakfast right now).  Anyway Larry  was a great help with everything.
I will have to get used to the new faucet--it is so pretty--brightens up the kitchen.
Our days are warm--prob. 90 today--days are shorter already--but sunshine all day.
I feel so sorry for the folk in the Midwest--being flooded out--more rain is coming.  They are losing everything.
And Rooney's article on the SMART CAR is funny but I have decided I do not want one--no room for Bud in the back and I doubt there would be room for my huge amount of gro.  No trunk--we use a trunk much.  So much for that.
Elmer was up and about all day yesterday--part time without a crutch--he did o.k. We will see how today goes.  The support sock helps. 
I need to hear from Caedmon--he just eats and sleeps --he could take a little time to write to GG.
Everest is a good "picture taker". 
Well I must put stuff back under the sink and do a bit of this and that. gg

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Missed a day

Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsI didn't write to you yesterday but no one noticed so----.
A plumber is coming about 1:30 today--changing sinks--faucets etc.  More about that later.
I had a BIG day yesterday--went to Win*Co and spent over $86.00 and that takes a lot of energy.  I surely will be glad when Elmer dear can come with me.  While I am waiting for that I am doing o.k. but I am 90.  Point of interest while there I met up with Maryanne Conger.  She turned 90 last week.  We have been friends since CHRISTING CENTER DAYS.  She has been married three times--all have died.  She also taught school for many years..
A Black Hawk helicopter went down in Iraq--all 14 perished.
The Mid-West is still flooding and have been all summer and still are.  Unbelievable.  The T.V. said if you want good weather--go to the West Coast.
What a picture --that little boy with the fork thru his nose--K and G keep an eye on that little boy.  BTW--do not forget you will have to have GATES--up and down on your stairs--he will be crawling before long due to the fact that I know he will be very advanced!!!!!
Remember I said one day that I put our bedspread on our bed--well that lasted one day--we are still a Nursing Home--extra pillows etc. and on and on.  Anything to help Elmer dear.  Yes, he is not doing as well as he should be doing--using one crutch--two outside.  Also some pain.
Larry will come at 1:30 about the same time as the plumber.  Larry's days are never ever long enuf--is in demand all of the time--also too many "meetings". Now the rich lady who bot the OLD SCHOOL etc. wants Larry to work for her.
I just called Rose.  They spent the weekend at the Coast.  Jim's sister and husband own a very nice place over there.
Now I am waiting for news from and about Caedmon and his parents. 
Brian, thank you so much for the update and the pictures etc.of Chloe--what a girl!!!  I knew you were busy so didn't ask for an update. 
Very sincerely--GG

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Monday, August 20, 2007

One more day

Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsMy Dumpling is down for a nap.  He is very discouraged with his ankle.  He does not see Dr. until Wednesday the 5th of Sept.  He is sure a tendon is torn or something.  The ankle does not seem to be stable and his knee is painful??????  Last evening he was down by the garage out front and picked something up and oodles of bees came out--mad as a hornet and landed on the top of his hand and each one gave him a good/bad sting.  We doctored the poor hand. 
I am glad we do not live elsewhere--floods and more floods--hurricanes and more--.  How come we were so fortunate to have landed in this very area and raised our good and caring sons here etc.
Larry, sometime please do not forget the large straws.  Thank you.
Today the driver of a huge truck went nite nite and hit the side railing on I-5 coming So. near Medford.  So Southbound traffic was re-routed for several hours--there was also a fire.
Now I must tell you about Buddy Boy.  Without being trained--when the tel. rings--when we are in bed he gives a bark-a strange one that he uses at no other time.  During the day he runs to the phone.  When the door bell rings or there is a knock he answers the door.  Do you think he is a smart dog or what.  L & L, remember this--when we are gone--we want him to go to a nice couple (like we are!!!) where there are no children--he very much likes a quiet house--not to Ron for sure--Bud would become an idiot for sure.  They have those two very stupid POODLES.  Bud is crazy about Ron but he must go where there is a QUIET LIFE for him and a schedule!!!!!
Elmer dear just got up so pehaps we will go for a short (short for him) walk.
Kenneth, will be sending an email I know as soon as he comes home from work.
Nite,  GG
Billy Graham has been in the hospital with bleeding intestines.  Doesn't sound good. 

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Sunday, August 19, 2007


Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsIt is a nice and peaceful day.  We attended church--good service.
We did have a surprise--a little rain during the nite and a few sprinkles early am.  Sunshine the rest of the day.  Coming up tho,76-84-90-94.
Caedmon has not written a word so far today.  He still has his parents writing for him but they have not followed thru so far today.
Elmer dear, I think is discouraged.  He knee is also bothering him so today he went back to two crutches to see if that will help. 
Need news.  gg

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Saturday, August 18, 2007

This is now one more day.

Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsI do not do much ironing anymore (I love to iron--down thru the years--2 shirts of each kind.)  They went away to College with shirts neatly packed between tissue paper!!!!  Those were the days.  Why am I on that subject?
Galena, you are a good girl--also a very good Mother--I can tell.  Thank you very much for writing.  You can tell Jen Perry that she can come here any time and make us a chicken salad.  I will expect news from either you or your husband or both!! every day.  Your parents will surely enjoy their first grand child.  Will you put your son in the nursery at church? 
Elmer dear is quite discouraged with his ankle.  It seems to be at a standstill.  He is unable to work outside--sees so much he would like to accomplish.  We thot Jose would come today but he didn't.
Brian made a speech recently at the CSU.  He says he has lots to learn in a short time--before he comes out West. 
And now to Bud--he is such a good boy.  For example he didn't ever have to be trained--not to growl or try to bite when he is eating.  You can do anything with his food--move it --take it away or whatever.  He has never ever chewed on anything nor destroyed anything--not his nature.  He does not want any toys--will not play with them.  He is too grown up.
Our temp. is great--in the 80's.
We are really looking forward to an update from Woodinville every day.  GG needs to hear.
We are having an egg casserole at 4.  Have not made it for a long time.  Helen V. really liked that when they have visited.  She has the recipe. 
Just thinking--no disposible diapers 67 years ago.  Elmer dear would not let me wash a diaper--he did them all--had 6 doz. birdseye mateial.  When we were through with them we gave them to a cousin who was expecting.  Wow, all of that was a long time ago. 
Waiting to hear.  GG

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Friday, August 17, 2007


Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsOur meat patties etc have been devoured and here we are--or here I am.  Elmer dear went down for a bit of rest and elevation. He worked down in his little shop for a bit--needed to do something for my bathroom.   But oh, how he needs to get things straightened up down there.  I am just thinking that pehaps going up and down the steps might be good for that foot.  I shall encourage that and see.
Did you hear about the identical quads being born--in Canada I think--girls--all healthy and doing fine--each weighed about the same 2 lbs. plus--this happens once in 13 million births.  (all in one bag--identical)
I think Lloyd will be gone from Aug. 29 to Sept. 7--Japan-Phillippines--Bangkock.
I surely do wonder how little Caedmon and his parents are doing--wondering if all three are getting enough to eat and enough sleep.  I know the little one is getting the best care there is. 
Larry just called--they are up at Britt for the evening.
Bennett and his sister, Katie, attended a wedding in Hawaii recently.  Katie said it was the first time she has attended a wedding that she has not been the flower girl.
Bud said to tell Caedmon that he is getting plenty to eat and lots of time to sleep.
gg  (Helen V,--need news)

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Thursday, August 16, 2007

It is almost evening

Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsIt is so fun to hear from the new Daddy.  They will be outstanding parents. 
Lloyd just called as they were returning home. They left the campground yesterday and stayed in Keith's town house and then the entire bunch--inc. Keith--went over to Caedmon's house and spent the evening--taking photos etc.  Then some of the bunch went back over this am so they all had a good time and then now  this afternoon L & L were on their way home--the end of a good vacation. 
I imagine the photos will come flying in-of the new GREAT baby and the the rest of the relatives,  So we are anxiously waiting for them.
Our lite supper is overwith--lots of veggies--mostly..
Bud looks so cute with his new GROOMING.
The storms in Texas and other states are unbelievable.  We like it right here on our private hill.
The 15 Libraries around here will probably re-open soon--a private co. can do it MUCH cheaper.
I would love to visit Caedmon and his parents.  I wonder how they would do with two babies at a time!!!!
Thanks, Kenneth, for the emails and the photos etc.
Geraldine called--her GENE is not well--had a cat skin--prob. has cancer--is very weak--she waits on him.
China's bridges fall down first.  They were building a BIG bridge--it fell down--29 dead.
Cooler today--hi 89's.
Did you hear about the woman who shot her preacher husband in the back.  She has served 240 days and she has now been released. 
Elmer dear still has lots of pain--much on the top of his foot???
Larry just called--on his way to a meeting (as usual)
This is probably IT until tomorrow.  gg

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Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon icons The suspense is all over with. Caedmon, the little fellow, arrived at his new home about 4pm.  I doubt that the new parents will be entirely normal for a few days.  We are so happy for them.  I would like to be hiding--out of site--to really observe the feeding --the diaper changing--and I am sure they will be talking to him and they will probably think that he will understand.  I wouldn't doubt they start "home schooling" in a week or two.  Anyway they are going to be VERY good parents without a doubt.  Also GG will expect an update daily. 
And now, to less important news.
Elmer dear is about the same--rather discouraging.
You should see our BUDDY BOY.  He was groomed today.  She really does a good job.  He recognized the place and when we went in--he was not going to stay--he is very headstrong.  He is so loyal to us--so we had a time leaving him.  The nice lady said he is so powerful for his size--very strong and it is very difficult to work around he face etc.  but she did a very good job.  He wouldn't let her cut his toenails.  Two of them tried to hold him.  He was there from 11 until 1:30. 
Salmon for dinner.
I will be waiting impatiently in  the morning for news from Kenneth about their nite with Caedmon and was he a good boy etc. 
Nite from the new GREAT GRANDPARENTS.   

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Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon icons YIPPEE HE HAS ARRIVED!!!!
And his name is CAEDMON DAUNTE CHRISTIAN SMITH--almost 7 lbs. Tomorrow he is moving in with his Mommie and his Daddy.  It is a lovely home in a good neighborhood in Seattle.  His Nursery is upstairs along with all of the other bedrooms.  His Daddy promised me that he will be very careful while carrying him down the stairs.  (Won't it be exciting when the little fellow crawls up and down the stairs.)
One more item of interest.  Galena will be one of the best Moms there ever could be. 
We had a long tel. visit with his Daddy this afternoon and they can hardly wait until tomorrow when the little one will be delivered to their home. 
 There are many legal papers to sign now and later.  BTW the name CAEDMON was the name of a man who wrote Christian hymns centuries ago. 
WE also rec. a message from Uncle Keith this afternoon--announcing this "announcement" to some folk who would not rec. any other announcement this soon.    (so much for the word ANNOUNCEMENT)
The new GREAT Gpa Smith worked outside a bit today and he wore his boot.  We just finished our tasty dinner and he has gone down for some rest and elevation. 
Waiting for more news.  gg 

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Monday, August 13, 2007

Almost too busy

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Well, I did something today that I have not done for a l-o-n-g time--I ran the ORICK over most of the house.  Soon I will finish--just have Bud's bedroom and Elmer's lounge (elevation) room where the adjustable bed is--left to do.  I feel very proud and Elmer dear thought I worked way too hard.  1700 hundred sq. feet is a lot of feet. 
Our chicken dinner is overwith and we have finished in the kitchen and Bud is sleeping--so very tired.
I even put the scatter rugs back down after 5 1/2 months. 
We talked with Kenneth for a wee bit--he called--but also had an appt.--is taking the week off and even perhaps next--not sure--I am not sure.  He said everything is going along just fine--even gifts are arriving!!
Elmer is still wearing the boot and using one crutch--sometimes two when outside on uneven ground. 
90 or more today and more of the same for a few days at least.
Elmer wants me to wait until tomorrow to finish vac.--he said too much already for today.
Please send news.  gg

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Sunday, August 12, 2007


Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon icons Attended Harvest--visiting minister--full church--we do not know very many.
Elmer dear is still using one crutch most of the time and also the boot--but he wore 2 shoes to church.
Much excitement around here.  Lloyd just called--on their way to Idaho to meet the Boorman family to camp until Wednesday at least.  They had stopped at the Hotel where the new baby is and they had the priviledge of seeing and holding him.  He is a big and good looking baby.  Kenneth and Galena should know by Tuesday am if they will get to take him "home".  Kenneth has taken hundreds of photos and he and Galena are very excited. More about all of this after we hear from Kenneth again. 
We came home from church to soup and sandwiches and veggies etc.  Who needs big meals??
I may tell you more later today.  gg (Bud sends greetings)

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Saturday, August 11, 2007



Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsWe just hung up from a happy call from Kenneth.  The baby was expected about a month from now but he is here (the day before Bennett's 7 lbs--Dorothy is young--16 I think--so she had no problem--is going home tomorrow.  Galena is beside herself--so happy.  He has black hair and everything looks fine--had his first meal--later Kenneth was holding him and soon he felt something warm on is arm--sure enough.  They are not announcing his name yet.  So we reminisced about our experiences 67 years ago.

This is IT until we hear more.  gg



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Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsWe are more or less waiting for a tel. call from up N.  We had a long tel. call from Lloyd.
They went up to Seattle today for Bennett's 7th party this afternoon.  Kenneth and Galena were also there but were called to come home quickly.  Their "to-be"adopted baby was to arrive most anytime.   So they left in a hurry.  So we are waiting and wondering.  It will be a little boy. They thot the baby would arrive the first part of September.  The name they chose has been a closely guarded secret. 
Tomorrow L & H and will leave for their camping trip up in Idaho with the Boorman family. They plan to return home about Wednesday. 
I made a new casserole dish today--chicken breast, veggies, rice. m.soup etc.    (Soup is easier).
Larry just called.  Herta (married to Linda's brother) and a friend (Ashland) are coming over--will take them to dinner and then they will all attend Britt. 
So I just might be telling you soon that there is a new GREAT. 
Bud says to write soon.  GG

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Friday, August 10, 2007

Fw: Lovely weather--in the 80's


Upgrade your email with 1000's of cool animationsKenneth, I love all of my little people or funnies or whatever and I love my blogging etc.  You are a good g.son and we also have more good g.sons.
I left home about 9 for Win-Co.  Elmer thot he should go with me to help but I suggested he stay home--I could manage at W. and then he would help me at home.  He is doing better but still not ready to do too much.  I spent $80.00.
On G.M.A. this am they had a good "piece on Billy Graham"--how he has counciled and been friends with all of the presidents in his adult life.  There will be a special this evening but I do not know when and which channel.  Do you?  Billy is 88.
Our dinner is overwith and Elmer dear is "down" for a bit.   (Sometimes down 2 or so times a day.)
Still in the boot.
Until tomorrow.  GG

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Thursday, August 9, 2007

Fw: We are having great weather--in the 80's.

----- Original Message -----
From: Ruby Smith
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 6:53 PM
Subject: We are having great weather--in the 80's.

 Upgrade your email with 1000's of cool animationsElmer dear is down for a short nap and elevation.  He is wearing the boot most of the time during the day--more support--less pain--he helps me a lot.
This was the nite for a lite meal--do not need a heavy one every nite--but really they are never ever very heavy. 
Isn't it something to have a tornado in Brooklyn--first in N. Y. since 1889--and there are still so many floods in the Central and South states. 
A brain doctor operated on the wrong side of the brain and it is the second time he has done this.  Not good. 
Montana is still burning up.
Kenneth, you are going to be so "fit" and slim and etc.  Be sure and get the roof done as Galena has requested.  (Nothing like Gma giving you some advice)--no cameral until!!!!!!!  Thanks so much for the daily notes. 
I still think the LITTLE SMART CAR would be so fun to have--just the right size.
I told you the other day that Jonathon (Jorene's son) failed his test to get into the Air Force--well he rec. a call last nite to come to Portland and SIGN UP and he can join the Air Force.  (They need more to kll over in Iraq).  A new marriage--a baby due in December--she had a 3 yr. old girl already when they married in June.  Ron said today that Tabitha is an air-head and Jon has never made a right turn yet.  I wonder what will happen to that marriage.  Ron and Jorene ret. today from a few days over at the Coast. 
Will they find the Utah miners alive--should know soon.
Bud has a date with the Groomer next Wednesday.  Colorado??  GG

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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

My house still looks like a nursing home--yes, it does.

Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon icons Good evening and I trust you are having a good evening.  We called Lloyd a couple of hours ago.  He was feeling much better--was dizzy all day after his morning colonoscopy but he was going to work tonite. 
Larry just called--on his way to a J. meeting.  He and Nathan had an absolutely grand time camping.  They stayed one nite--Nathan had to be back for football practice--Larry dropped him off at the dot of 4 at Kennedy School.  Nathan couldn't have been happier than he was up in the woods.    I do not know if he has ever camped before.
Where does Ron Warfield live?
Elmer just got up from elevating his leg.  He has worn the boot now for two days and he is really doing better and Kenneth, your little notes perk him up--keep them coming.
We had a good dinner--worked together on it.
We are having great weather--in the hi 80's.
I saw the new SMART CAR on Good Morning America this am--I WANT ONE- SO CUTE.  Just a few here yet but they will be arriving in Jan
I did not rec. one response re MY CAR WASH EXPERIENCE. 
Keith, I have not seen any additions to your Blog!!!  I keep checking on you and your brother. 
Nite nite   GG.   

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